Somewhere along your life I am sure you heard someone say, “I learn something new every day.” I know this is absolutely true if you are doing life with an open heart. Life is constantly throwing us challenges, experiences, relationships or changes in relationships that give us a great opportunity to learn.
Now if both my spouse and I are learning daily I think we could capitalize on this daily. Since you are already learning now all we have to do is get skilled at sharing what we are learning. In this exercise you will pick two of the following statements to complete. Again, you face each other while doing the exercise and give each other eye contact.
One person completes one of the below statements and then the other spouse also chooses one of the statements to complete. Then back to the first person that will choose and finish the same or different statement and the second person finishes just like a ping pong game again. You can both learn what each other is learning which is a great way to keep up with your spouse as they transform over time. Here are the options of the statements you can choose from when doing this exercise. You can pick one twice or any two.
1. Something I learned from God today was…
2. Something I learned from you today was…
3. Something I learned from others today was…
4. Something I learned about myself today was…
If you use your spouse as an example it must be positive. Dan and Elly will be our example couple.
Dan “Something I learned from God today was that He really listens to even my small prayers. I prayed about getting a break and the boss told me to go home early because he was seeing too much of me and laughed.”
Elly “Something I learned about myself was that sometimes it’s hard to be honest. I had a girl ring up the wrong sandwich today at lunch and I knew it was wrong because it was more than a dollar less than the one I ordered. She said never mind, I still will give you the right sandwich. I was tempted to leave it at that but I asked her to make it right on the check anyway.”
Dan “Something I learned about you was to be positive toward people. You do this so naturally. I tried it for three days at work on negative George. He actually smiled today and I thought that was really funny.”
Elly “Something I learned from someone else today is that being quiet is sometimes better than to speak your mind. I was at a meeting at work and Stephanie shot off what she thought about the owner’s ideas. Well, let’s say he didn’t really like her bluntness since she didn’t think even a moment before speaking. He corrected her in front of everybody to think before you give any feedback to ideas that take more than a minute to create.”
It’s obvious to see how learning what your spouse is learning can help you stay connected. By adding this to your 10-Minute Marriage you can really, let’s say, learn a lot about each other.
That’s the end of the menu. There are many relationship building delicacies for you to choose from. In the next chapter I will explain how to utilize your menu and maximize your 10-minute exercises to have an incredible marriage.