In a workbook, I wrote several years ago called 101 Freedom Exercises: A Christian Guide for Sexual Addiction Recovery, I outline several exercises to help men get and stay free from lust. This series is a summarization of some of these exercises, as well as a few more I have learned along the way.
Tip 1. Pray for Them
When a person becomes an object of lust for you, you can turn them back into a person by giving them a relational context to God and others.
Here is a sample prayer:
God I know You love and died for this woman and that You desire a relationship with her. I pray that if she doesn’t know You, that You will reveal Yourself to her so she can know You for eternity. I pray for her husband (or future husband) that he will be a man of God, full of Your Spirit and wisdom. I pray for her children (or future children) that they will know and serve You all their days. I pray for her parents, that You would encourage them and bless their daughter.
Now how many women do you think the enemy is going to present to you to lust after if all you do is pray them into the kingdom? The self-defense arts teach one early on how to block a punch. If the enemy throws you a temptation, or your flesh just happens to kick up, pray and you will walk away feeling successful instead of guilty.