Prayer is a critical part of staying off the road to trouble. Praying daily as a Christian man is essential, whether you pray on your knees, in your truck, with hands up, or down. Connecting to God, praising Him and listening to Him are critical in order to walk in any spiritual strength.
Reading, memorizing, listening to and meditating on the Bible is important to stay strong. I’ll not only read the Bible, but I like to listen to it on CD on my drive to work. Revelation from the Word is sweet and strengthening. When we fear God in a respectful manner, we want to pray and read His Word.
I am so saddened by men who only hear, "I have to pray and read my Bible?" when I talk to them. These men have no clue that as Christians we GET to pray and glean wisdom from the Bible. As a lost person, I had no desire for these behaviors. As a believer, I know that it’s a privilege to get to pray and get to read the Word.