Solid Principles: Part One- Fear God

God is love and He is to be ultimately respected for creating you and giving you the blessings in your life.  It is God who is to be feared.  When we fear God, we hate evil (Proverbs 8:13).  Hating evil is a result of fearing God.  Much like your teenage years, there were certain things you knew not to do because you knew your dad’s stance on that and you knew he would implement consequences.

Today in our luxury lives and churches we don’t hear much about fearing God and respecting Him.  I, in fact, can’t think of the last time I heard a sermon on fearing God.  I highly recommend at some point you do a word study on the fear of the Lord.  There are so many benefits of a heart that fears God.  As I said, one of these results is that you would run from evil, not entertain it or be entertained by it.