The marriage you once had is gone. That version of your relationship no longer exists, and it’s not coming back. You’re not trying to rewind time or recapture something that’s been shattered—you’re trying to build something new from the wreckage. If you keep asking, “Why can’t you just be that sweet, trusting person I married?” the answer will always be the same: “Because you betrayed me.”
That betrayal changed everything. So the real question isn’t “How do we go back?”—it’s “How do we move forward?” How do we rebuild a marriage on the foundation of truth, no matter how painful? How do we learn to trust again, knowing that trust was once broken? How do we fight side by side rather than against each other?
This isn’t about pretending the wound never happened. It’s about acknowledging the damage and deciding, together, whether something stronger can rise from it. Are we willing to do the work? Are we willing to face the hard conversations, the uncomfortable truths, the long road of healing—not as enemies, but as partners.
Because if we can, then maybe, just maybe, what we build from here will be even stronger than what we lost.
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