Well Done

When you hear the words “well done,” what is the first thing that pops into your head? This likely reminds you of the well-known Christian phrase, “well done, good and faithful servant” every believer wants to hear at the end of his or her life.

Well, did you know the enemy of your soul also has a “well done” phrase? Lust also has the same goal. Lust wants to hear “well done” for bringing you to your knees. Lust longs for the day when your life is being reviewed and it can gloat over your fall. Lust loves when its character is on the screen of your soul’s movie. Lust loves to watch your soul slavishly obey it, and delights in watching you lust after women, become sexually inappropriate, fornicate, or commit adultery. Lust loves to see its influence on a man’s life and to hear the words “well done.”

You long in your spirit to hear Jesus tell you, “well done.” You long to see Jesus as a real person directing and blessing your life. You want to feel His pride for you. Living a lust-free life and destroying lust both now and in the future can help you move towards hearing Jesus say, “well done.”