Household issues in a marriage are very important. This is where the rubber meets the road regarding serving one another. But it is easy to find ways to serve your spouse in the home, because there are always helpful things for both of you to do around the house.
Begin your service to your spouse by making absolutely sure that you are doing at least the agreed-upon portion of what needs to be done. Not doing what you have agreed to do will create legitimate resentment in your relationship.
Serve your spouse by occasionally taking on a chore that your spouse normally does – and do it well. Just as there is neither male nor female in Christ, there are no chores that are masculine or feminine (Galatians 3:28).
You can serve in any area of household duty. Be an aggressive servant. Stay ahead of the game in the household area. When you see dishes in the sink, wash them. Just dig in and do it. Don’t have a “keeping-score” attitude; have a “winning-score” attitude. As a Christian servant you don’t want to have a “getting even” or “I did this, and you do that” mentality. Out-serve your spouse regularly – doing more than he or she does. Usually it doesn’t even take that much time.
There are more ways you can be a servant to your spouse and I encourage you to always be on the lookout to find opportunities for such. Embrace the servant marriage and experience marriage the way God intended it for your life.
It feels good to serve your spouse in the various areas of his or her life. I believe that you can actually increase your love for your spouse by serving. A servant’s heart makes you feel good by doing helpful things for the people you love. In my experience, it also is a tangible way for them to feel your love.