This tip will help you combat the lie that your wife isn’t enough. When the enemy and lust want to talk about your wife, it’s important to have a tried and true method to defeat the attack.
Lust wants you to focus on your wife’s flaws. What you want to focus on is her awesomeness and her strengths. She is a uniquely designed woman of God and created just for you. You know her more intimately than anyone and would be the best person to highlight her strengths.
Write down on paper or in your phone a list of 5-10 things you absolutely love about your wife. For single guys, list five features of a woman of God. She is an amazing person spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and physically.
Keep the list in your wallet or in your phone. Anytime you hear your wife being criticized in your mind, pull out your list and say these strengths out loud. You can start thanking God for these strengths in your wife. God loves hearing appreciation for the gift He has given you so freely.
When you speak these out loud or thank God for your wife’s strengths, lust’s lies appear to be petty and weak, and you stay in an attitude of gratitude toward the woman you really love.