I am absolutely flabbergasted at how many men believe in secrets. They think that within a secret, magically the truth will not be exposed. This is like the dog that puts his head under his paws thinking that because he can’t see us, we can’t see him. Jesus taught that what we do in secret will be shouted from the rooftops (Luke 12:2-3).
Revelation 2:23 teaches us that God knows our hearts, thoughts, and deeds. Hebrews 12:1 states we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. Let me tell you plainly there is no such thing as a secret, period. You may have a season of lust and sin, but like a seed in the dirt, it will pop up.
I know some guys think they may be brighter than their wife or others. However, you are not brighter than God. He is very creative and if you refuse to be honest, He can create circumstances that force the truth to be known. Trust me, for twenty-five years I have seen His handiwork. I have heard stories of wives having dreams of exactly what their husbands were doing, children finding dad’s porn site or emails to girlfriends, and the other woman repenting and seeking forgiveness from the wife of the man she cheated with.
I could go on for hundreds of pages of the stories about how husbands who believed in secrets got caught. Sometimes they were big business men with hundreds of millions of dollars, pro sports figures, top ministry leaders, politicians, doctors, lawyers, you name it, men at the top of their field who believed in secrets.
What I have taught my children is to believe that you will be caught at every secret and every lie. Believing you will absolutely get caught is a better and healthier way to live and would keep every man off the road to trouble whether it is fornication or adultery.