Cereset- We Help Your Brain Help You

Heart to Heart Counseling Center has recently acquired Cereset, the most technologically advanced neuromodulation software available.  It has received 13 peer review publications, and 9 Institutional Review Boards (IRB) clinically approved trials including the US Military.  

By rebalancing and recalibrating the brain, it has helped anxiety, PTSD, trauma, sleeplessness, addiction, low mood and energy, TBI, stress management and neuroplasticity in many of my clients.   Most spouses at Heart to Heart Counseling Center have many of the PTSD symptoms from betrayal. More than 80% of those with addiction have unresolved traumas as part of their story.

The brain is your central command center. When your brain is out of balance, or stuck, you don’t feel right and it’s impossible to function at your highest level. Cereset is a proven technology that’s non-invasive and highly effective. Cereset can help your brain free itself, enabling you to achieve higher levels of well-being and balance throughout your life.

Here’s what clients had to say about Cereset Garden of the Gods after their sessions:

“I had better sleep. I handle stress better and am not losing sleep over things. I’m able to shut my brain off at night. It has lowered my blood pressure considerably and as a by-product my blood sugar levels have improved. My joint pain is at a minimum. When I wake up, I have a clear head and am ready to face the day. I used to have days where I would have multiple back spasms—those days are fewer. I have reduced inflammation in joints. Fewer struggles with arthritis pain. This was a valuable week of time spent.”

“I’m waking up earlier and feeling more rested and alert. Anxiety is lessened. PTSD symptoms alleviated. Lessened food cravings and quantity of food reduced. Arthritis symptoms improved. I feel more relaxed, less angry and reactive.”

“As someone who has dealt with Lyme Disease/Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome symptoms for over 4 years, I can say this has been the most effective help I have received. For four years I have tried everything, but nothing worked.  I still woke up multiple times in several hour increments and woke up exhausted every day due to lack of sleep. After a week of Cereset I am now sleeping throughout the night with NO interruptions. I’m also falling asleep and waking up easier too. I have also struggled with chronic fatigue and my energy levels have increased significantly. My usually anxious and stressed out demeanor has also become more relaxed. I definitely recommend Cereset. It is worth investment!

The cost for five sessions (one per day) is $1,500. To  book Cereset BrainEcho Technology, call us at 719-278-3708 or email jubal@gardenofthegods.cereset.com! Space is limited.