10 Minute Exercise Marriage Series #8-Grateful Statements

In this exercise, I am trying to equip you with an arsenal for you to have a positive successful marriage. To have a positive marriage you have to plant positive seeds. I am always amazed, especially at couples in the community of faith who understand reaping and sowing and how we misapply this in a marriage. If I sow negative seeds, I will eventually get a negative harvest of some kind.

Gratefulness is one of those positive seeds we can plant again and again. I know by hanging around grateful people that good and positive things tend to happen in their life. I want you to have positive and good things happen in your marriage.

To do this exercise you face each other and give each other eye contact. All you are doing is two completions of this sentence, “Today I am grateful for…” I find it best if you let one person do one at a time then the other spouse, back to the first person, and then the other spouse finishes. This is kind of like a game of ping pong.

When doing your grateful statement, you can include your spouse some of the times but keep your whole life in mind. Open up your heart to the many things you are and can be grateful for. Let’s see an example of gratefulness between Watson and Yolanda.

            Watson “I am grateful today for how the Lord really provided me favor with a client that can mean more business and money for us.”

            Yolanda “I am grateful that I actually had the time today to really clean out the closets when you took the children to their practice.”

            Watson “I was grateful for our children‘s health and strength today, even the coach commented on how well they did.

            Yolanda “I am grateful for our teamfulness. I really feel we are able to intuitively know when the other needs help.”

Gratefulness is contagious. If you are consistently grateful and practice gratefulness with your spouse, you will get to see so much that you are grateful for. When you add gratefulness to your 10-Minute Marriage, that positive vitamin can stimulate you both into a more positive and grateful lifestyle. You can see why I added this as part of your menu in the 10-Minute Marriage.

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