10 Minute Exercise Marriage Series #3-Gazing

 This exercise is amazing. As a counselor I see so many couples who have difficulty even looking each other in the eyes. I have even had people not even remember their spouse’s eye color!

Gazing is a very positive, strengthening 10-Minute Marriage exercise. Like the flooding exercise you just read about, you will need a timer. Depending on your ability to do this exercise you might start off at 15 seconds, then 30, 45 up to a minute. Some couples do this exercise for several minutes. Some couples have really experienced each other in a totally different way by doing the gazing exercise.

This exercise is quite simple. Get two chairs and sit across from each other. You can also do this on a sofa or in bed. Set your timer for how long you want to do this gazing. Then sit in your chair and just look into each other’s eyes. That’s right; just look, absolutely no talking is involved whatsoever during this time until your timer goes off. This exercise can blow you away at how close you feel toward each other in a minute. You can experience the presence, personality and power of your spouse in a tremendous manner.

The rationale behind this exercise is to connect at a nonverbal experiential level. You can connect and experience your spouse without words. For some couples this might be the first time you tried something like this. A minute of gazing can really be an amazing experience in your marriage. Doing this daily can really accelerated how connected you can become toward each other.

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