10 Minute Exercise Marriage Series #2-Flooding

 This is a very powerful exercise. I would probably suggest you try this one first before adding it to your menu. This exercise is only one minute long. You can set your kitchen or egg timer for a minute to let you know when the exercise is complete.

Here is what you do. First, sit across from each other with knees close together. Secondly, maintain eye contact with each other. Thirdly, one person says “I love you” to the other person. Let’s say Harry starts by saying, “I love you” to Sally. Then fourthly, Sally has to let those words “I love you” into her heart not her head. This letting the words in her heart is critical. When she feels like she has let the words in she speaks out loud, “thank you.” This way she verbally acknowledges this love deposit from Harry.

Then Sally says “I love you” to Harry. When Harry let’s the “I love you” words of Sally’s into his heart he says, “thank you.”  Then he tells Sally again “I love you” she says, “thank you” then tells Harry “I love you” then he says, “thank you.”

This going back and forth with “I love you” goes on for one minute. When doing this exercise stick with just the words “I love you” and don’t add to this or make it sexual in any way. The rationale for this exercise is that many of us know that our spouse loves us. You know, that’s the “love ya, babe,” or “see ya, love ya.”  Words we say to each other as we are running out the door or getting off the phone. These are great things to do, but it’s really good to soak in the love of your spouse.

There is a big difference between knowing someone loves you and experiencing that somebody loves you. As you do this exercise you are really experiencing the love the other person has for you. They are depositing their love intentionally in your heart and you are intentionally letting that love for you in your heart.

I must warn you, some of you will laugh at first to deflect the love or because you feel uncomfortable. Some of you will cry because your heart has so rarely experienced love this deeply. Either way if you add this to your menu it can be a very powerful one minute of your Marriage.

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