I know many of you reading this app are people of faith of one form or another. Here is the interesting thing I have experienced with couples that are people of faith who come for counseling. Most do not pray together. Many go to church or spiritual services or events together, but at home, one-on-one together, other than thanking God at meals they don’t pray together. Just yesterday I had a pastor and his wife in my office. They have been actively in ministry for more than 25 years. When I asked them about praying with each other they sheepishly admitted that they very rarely pray together.
I really believe in prayer. In my 35 plus years of faith I have seen so many miracles that I have to conclude that prayer really works. I think there is some truth to the saying, “a couple that prays together, stays together.”
Let’s talk just a minute about what prayer is. Prayer is an out loud conversation with God. Prayer inside your head would be like meditations or thoughts. Prayer is spoken out loud. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach us to pray, He opened His mouth and spoke the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:5-15.
Now I am not suggesting you recite this prayer. What I am suggesting is that you open your heart and mouth and just talk to God in the presence of your spouse. Some couples kneel, others walk around one another, hold hands, however you decide to do this, prayer is a great daily exercise. If you have not been connecting here, I would definitely consider this a great exercise to choose to do daily to have a great marriage.
The rationale for this exercise is to have you both spiritually connected. Prayer also allows you to energize your marriage by allowing God to speak back to both of you. I also think it helps you stay grateful to God for loaning his child to you in marriage. I personally like to thank God in prayer for Lisa in Lisa’s presence. I think it keeps me in a more positive frame of mind for just how precious Lisa is, not just to me but to God as well.
If you are not daily praying with your spouse, make a plan with your spouse to daily pray with them.
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