Warpath Series #10 - Authority Is Earned


You’re not going to get it back right away. If you try to take it back by force, you’re going to meet resistance—because she doesn’t feel safe with you in control yet. And why would she? You’re the one who caused the wreck, and now the people she loves most are bleeding because of it. So for now, she’s going to drive. That doesn’t mean she wants to be above you forever, but it does mean she’s not ready to trust you leading yet.

And let’s be honest—she’s not going to be moved by you pounding Bible verses at her when you didn’t believe the rest of God’s word while you were breaking your vows. She’s not going to suddenly say, “Oh, now I should obey that one,” when you weren’t obeying “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” When you weren’t obeying “Thou shalt not lie.” When you weren’t obeying any of it.

So don’t be that guy who storms in saying, “I’m taking my authority back! The Bible gives me authority!”—because that’s only going to cause more pain. That’s not leadership. That’s not humility. And without humility, you won’t earn her trust back, and it’s going to take you a lot longer if you try to force it.

Does that make sense? This is an earning process. A true knight doesn’t demand his position—he proves himself worthy of it. The man who accepts that process, who embraces the hard road of humility, honesty, and integrity, is the man who will be better off. And more importantly, he’s the man who has a chance to truly rebuild what was broken.

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