Solid Principles: Part Six - Exit and Entrance Signs

Every public building you walk in has exit signs over the doors.  Many, if not all states, require exit signs to be lit so they are easy to see.  Many buildings will also have entrance signs on the door they want you to enter.  The building may have many doors, but usually just one is marked entrance.

This is a very simple concept that most men can grasp fairly easily.  Every woman, except for your wife or future wife, is an exit sign.  What do I mean by this?  It’s simple, if you move toward another woman in a sexual manner you are exiting God’s best plan for your life.  If you are married you are for sure exiting God’s one and only will for your life, your wife.

So when you’re at the mall, department store, restaurant or even church, and you find yourself looking at someone inappropriately, just imagine an exit sign over her head.  So if you’re objectifying or lusting after a brunette, imagine an exit sign at the top of her head, so you know that you are exiting God’s best and moving into the ramp taking you to the road to trouble.

The entrance sign is just as important to understand as the exit sign.  Your wife and only your wife, or future wife, is the entrance sign to all of God’s blessings for you.  Regardless of what mood she is currently in, she is the absolute only entrance for your romantic and sexual expression.  I know there are challenging days; remember I am not only a psychologist, but I am also a husband and father of a daughter.  People are not perfect, but you can be absolutely sure you are in God’s will when being romantic and sexual towards your wife.

So the next time you look at your wife, try putting an entrance sign over her head.  I find that this can even shift your mood that she is a gift to you for now and the future.  You deserve God’s best and His best is to stay on the road with your spouse or future spouse with as good of an attitude as possible.